I am a big fan of hello. Goodbye is not my favorite. But sometimes goodbye is simply "I'll see you in a bit....further on."
Anam Cara is moving. It has been a rather melancholy thing, to be perfectly honest. But I believe it is a step in the right direction. I am excited about some of the possibilities the new format opens up with regard to archive accessibility and search function. I am also hopeful that it will help new readers meander by. Perhaps some of them will wish to linger.
To those of you who are already friends, please come and play. I hope you will like the new digs. While it is true that sometimes the writing is for me....because I need to work out what is in my head...it does not mean nearly so much without you. Let me know what you think. It is still a work in progress.
This site will remain online for a while to give the occasional visitors a chance to find me. I will not be adding new content.
It's a new dawn. It's a new day. I'll be looking for you.
Find me at http://sheliamullican.com